Just like every patient is unique with specific needs and expectations, every practitioner is also unique with specific needs and expectations. If acupuncture is a new experience for you, you might be wondering what to expect. While not every practice is the same, there are a few general principles that will guide your first appointment. continue reading
What to Expect at Your First Acupuncture Appointment
6 Acupressure Points to Help Manage Your Asthma
If you or a family member suffer from asthma, you might be looking for another alternative to the typical treatment options. With little to know side effects, acupuncture and acupressure just might be what you have been looking for. There are actually six common acupressure points that can help you manage your asthma symptoms. continue reading
Facial Rejuvenation with Cosmetic Acupuncture
There are countless articles and research papers on the benefits of acupuncture, but did you know that it can also be used to combat the signs of aging? A natural alternative to surgery or Botox, facial acupuncture is merely an extension of traditional acupuncture and Chinese medicine philosophy.
Unlike an injection of Botox or some other filler, facial acupuncture addresses not just the signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles but it also helps to restore your skin’s overall health. Now, you might be worried about acupuncture needles placed in your face, but acupuncture is safe and effective and is recognized by the World Health Organization and there are established guidelines for practice just like any other health profession. Practitioners are also licensed by their state’s department of health so you can be confident that you are in good hands. continue reading
Four Reasons Self-Care Should be a Priority in Your Life
Self-care has become a trendy buzzword in the post-Covid era but the benefits to practicing regular self-care are undeniable. But first, let’s talk about what self-care is and what it isn’t. Self-care is taking steps to address your physical and emotional health needs to the best of your ability. Self-care is not being selfish or self-indulgent.
And nobody knows the importance of self-care better than moms. Yet moms are usually the first to put themselves at the bottom of the list in terms of self-care. But we don’t all have to be moms to have an overwhelming to-do list that depletes us mentally and physically. Just like a healthy diet and regular exercise, self-care is the next key to great physical and mental health.
The best part about self-care is that it includes a variety of activities that can range from exercise, yoga, hiking in nature, or bike riding, to quieter outlets like reading, meditation, prayer, or a warm bath. It really is up to you to determine what outlet is best for you. continue reading
Can Acupuncture Help with Depression?
As mental health issues have come to the forefront in recent years, many have sought more natural treatment options that don’t involve pharmaceuticals and their potentially harmful effects. Acupuncture has become a popular option for treating mental health issues, including depression. But does it work? Before we answer that question, let’s give a proper definition to both acupuncture and depression. continue reading
What is Moxibustion?
You might have heard your acupuncturist mention Moxibustion as a treatment option. This unfamiliar term needs some definition and clarification for most. So, what is it? Moxibustion is defined as a form of heat therapy that involves burning the dried moxa plant and leaving it on or very near the skin’s surface, thus promoting the flow of “qi” and eliminating certain pathogens in the body. continue reading
Embracing Herbal Therapy: What You Need to Know
Herbal therapy has been championed by China and other Eastern countries for centuries. As Western medicine looks for more natural alternatives with fewer side effects, herbal medicine is gaining a foothold in the treatment of several common health concerns. Read on for advice from the Cleveland Clinic and learn what recent research has to say about herbalism. continue reading
6 Ways to Stay Mentally Strong
Just as we develop our physical muscles to gain strength and maintain our health, we also need to pay attention to strengthening our mental muscles. Learning to develop mental strength can help in many ways from overcoming challenging situations, to learning from and bouncing back from failure to viewing these challenges as opportunities for growth. Read on for six healthy habits you can develop to maintain your mental strength. continue reading
Acupuncture and Nutritional Support
If you are one of the millions of people who made a New Year’s resolution last month to eat better and make healthier choices in 2023, then it might be time to take stock of how that process is going. Are you already off the wagon and back to your unhealthy habits? Or are you keeping your eye on your goals and making progress? No matter which side of the coin you fall on, you might want to talk to your acupuncturist about your nutritional goals. They can be a wealth of information and help as you look to build a better and stronger you. continue reading