I had always been afraid of needles, but a friend’s astounding success with acupuncture treatments following knee replacement surgery provided the encouragement I needed to try it for chronic sinusitis and relief from foot and hip pain that ended my four-days-per week dancing activities several years ago. Within a few weeks of receiving treatments from Linda Phelps my sinusitis was gone, as in, healed. In addition, my foot pain is nearly gone, my hip pain is greatly reduced, and I am able to dance again! And there have been unexpected bonuses, too, including restful sleep and a significant reduction of hot flashes that have plagued me for the last 18 years. Much to my surprise acupuncture is mostly pain-free but never worse than a mosquito bite. I am very thankful for Linda’s gentle, excellent care, the warm, comfortable environment of the clinic and the affordability of treatments. I highly recommend Linda Phelps and Purple Dragon Community Acupuncture.
– J.S., Seattle