Tag Archives: stress
7 ways to make your loved one smile this Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care. Below are some ideas to make this year’s holiday a memorable one.
Start the day off right
Make a homemade breakfast for your loved one or close family and friends in your life. Everyone can appreciate waking up to something homemade. Try doing breakfast in
5 Powerful Health Effects Of Olive Oil
Derived from the fatty liquid of pressed olives, olive is a versatile substance that’s loaded in nutritional value. Just a single tablespoon has 10 grams of monosaturated fat, 1.4 grams ofpolysaturated fat, vitamin E, and other other key nutrients. While most people consume it for its delicious flavor and smooth characteristics, olive oil has surprising health benefits when consumed on a regular basis.
7 Things You Should Know About Acupuncture and Pregnancy
Acupuncture involves the placement of thin sterilized needles to stimulate various acupoints throughout the body. The stimulation of these areas is believed to correct imbalances and blockages in the body by promoting the healthy flow of energy (known as qi – pronounced CHEE).
The thought of having half a dozen or more tiny needles sticking into your skin when you’re
3 Tips to Easily Alleviate Your Stress Immediately
Stress from day-to-day life can have an extremely negative impact on our health, emotionally, mentally, and physically as well. Long-term or extreme stress can result in frequent or chronic headaches, muscle aches, sleeplessness, anxiety, fatigue, depression, etc. All of these problems only present even more problems to our health and overall well-being. How can we prevent stress from our everyday
10 Acupuncture Tips for Stress-free Holidays
Happy Holidays! Sara Calabro of AcuTake compiled advice from 10 experienced acupuncturists around the globe. Read her article below to learn how to enjoy the winter holidays without stress!
How to Lower Stress and Survive the Holidays With Acupuncture
By Sara Calabro
Acupuncture is well known for its ability to lower stress. Many people use acupuncture for stress
Compassionate, Free Help for Veterans with PTSD
You’ve seen the strained look on her face. She’s far away. She doesn’t sleep well and sits around all day doing nothing. She’s always tired. You’ve invited her to the things she loves doing, but she never feels like doing them anymore. Sometimes she yells a lot—really overreacts. But when you ask her what’s wrong, she denies any problems.
7 Healthy Tips for Coping with Financial Stress
If you feel stressed just living your life, you’re not alone.
Americans lead stressful lives. Jobs, relationships, health, family obligations, community responsibilities—they all take their toll.
In “Stress in America 2012,” an annual survey by the American Psychology Association, 1 in 5 respondents reported an extreme stress level of 8, 9 or 10 on a 10-point