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Seattle, WA



Five Benefits of Consistent Acupuncture Treatments

Five Benefits of Consistent Acupuncture Treatments

In a nutshell, traditional acupuncture, also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, works under the belief that the body is controlled by a flow of energy called qi traveling through pathways in the body that are called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that when these pathways become blocked and the energy can’t flow freely, various health problems begin to appear.  continue reading »

Feeling Stressed and Anxious? Try Acupuncture

Feeling Stressed and Anxious? Try Acupuncture

We all know that stress is just a part of life. We all have moments of feeling anxious or depressed, but when those feelings become more of a permanent fixture in our lives, it is time to get some help. What many may not know is how effective acupuncture can be in providing relief to the mental and physical symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. continue reading »

Top 3 Reasons Acupuncture is Great for Seniors

Top 3 Reasons Acupuncture is Great for Seniors

As we get older, those aches and pains become a little more pronounced and life begins to create some new challenges. For many seniors, schedules become impacted with doctor’s appointments and trips to the pharmacy. If you haven’t tried acupuncture, here are three reasons you should give it a try as it can greatly help some of the greatest health challenges facing seniors today.  continue reading »

Acupuncture: The Original Biohack for Migraines

Having recurring migraines is similar to parenting a temperamental toddler. When they go from being annoying to actively disruptive and mildly infuriating, there is often little one can do but grit your teeth and persevere. The helpful suggestions for managing this occurrence involved a mixture of expert opinion, anecdotal hearsay, individual tinkering and a big dose of patience. So where does acupuncture fit into this picture? continue reading »

5 Acupoints to Help You Navigate Your Stress This Winter

There are several acupressure points that are known to treat stress and stress related symptoms. It’s important to understand that acupressure is not the only form of treatment and having a balanced diet, exercise regime and lifestyle will also decrease the chances of stress being a factor in your life. continue reading »

3 AcuPoints for Anxiety

One of the most wonderful things about being an acupuncturist is the ability to stimulate points on my own body when I need to. If I get a headache, or feel a cold coming on, I can always hop up on my table for a quick tune-up with some needles. Even when I’m not at the office, the magic of acupuncture can still work for me – as long as I know where the points are and what they do, I can press on them and get results. continue reading »

Seven Ways to Set and Achieve Your Goals

No matter what you’re trying to accomplish, setting goals is one way to help you get there. Often, when people have no goals, they lack motivation, focus and direction.  Setting goals also provides a benchmark to determine whether or not you are succeeding. But how do you set goals if you’ve never done so before? Or what if you have set goals in the past, but you didn’t achieve them? Do you just give up and tell yourself that goal setting doesn’t work? That’s one option, but let’s put things into perspective. continue reading »

Herbal Tonics to Reduce Stress

Stress is something that affects everybody. Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional tension or strain resulting from demanding or adverse circumstances. This can result in a multitude of symptoms, including headaches, muscle tension, pain, insomnia, worry, anxiety, depression and even disease. And according to a recent survey, nearly 77 percent of all Americans regularly experience physical or psychological symptoms caused by stress (American Institute of Stress, May 2017). continue reading »

Five Reasons Acupuncture Helps Reduce Stress

Stress is a word many people are familiar with. The dictionary defines stress in multiple ways, but there is only one that matters when we discuss how stress affects our physical bodies. The definition is this, “stress is a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension.” And while most people think of stress as being detrimental, it truly does have a function in our bodies. Stress is the body’s way of signaling for help or a break in the routine. If we don’t listen to these signals, we can develop imbalances in our bodies, which can then lead to illnesses. continue reading »

May the healing begin

candlelight-vigilCandlelight Vigil

Join us this evening, Friday Nov.11th, 7-9pm
near the Greenlake Bathhouse Theater

Informal gathering of neighbors for healing and
fellowship. We’ll provide white candles. No need to bring your own candle unless you wish.

Self-healing you can do at home…

1. I enjoy softly listening to this soothing musical mantra for healing. “Om tare tutarre ture svaha” can protect our minds from negative thoughts and vibrations, and it awakens our inner compassion.

2. A very easy way to calm your mind and emotions is the acupressure technique of massaging your ears to stimulate hundreds of acupoints on the ear that represent the entire body. Place your thumb on backside of ear and your index finger on frontside, as though you’re pinching your ear but massage in circular motion. Move around the entire front and back surfaces of both ears for 1-2 minutes. They will soon feel warm, and your mind will relax. You may do this during the day when you’re stressed or at night to help you sleep.

3. Try one Random Act of Kindness each day. It could be as simple as complimenting a stranger on something you admire about them, such as their jacket or necklace. Or pay double for your coffee and ask the barista to use the extra to buy a coffee for the next person in line. Something I love to do is carry Andes chocolate mints or Hershey chocolate kisses in my purse and give them to people I encounter during the day — for no reason at all — cashiers, someone next to me in a checkout line or crosswalk, a friend, etc. It brightens their day and their sudden smile brightens mine. Click here for other suggestions.

4. Listen to a purring cat


I wish you peace. — Linda

206-590-1556 Directions Contact/Schedule